Saturday 6 May 2017

Hala El-Shafie - Website Build

The Brief

Hala El-Shafie needed a high-quality website that was presented professionally to showcase her work within TV and writing. The website needed to have a professional design that showcased all of her TV appearances and that she could update easily going forward. The website also had to have a shop function so that people could make payments via the website for any events that Hala would be hosting as well as any product that she may want to bring out in the future such as books or classes.

Services Provided

Full Website Build 

Hala needed a full website design and build. This was planned over a number of phone calls with draft websites to get the exact design she wanted. Through the build process Hala had full access to the website so she could navigate and see the website as it would be once it was launched.

Content Creation/Upload 

As Hala had never had a personally branded website before, a level of content creation had to be done for specific pages. This involved me writing the content for the pages, and then sending it over to Hala to fact check. As Hala had written articles for various different websites all of the articles had to be uploaded to the website to showcase her work.


A level of SEO had to be carried out on the website to make sure Hala's website ranked well for specific terms relating to her. This is why we chose the domain name that we did to make sure she ranked first for people searching her name when shows were on, also she needed to rank somewhere within the first two pages of Google for possible shows she had featured in as well as articles that she had written.


To appeal to Hala's ideal audience e.g. readers of her articles, people who watch her programs and potential business I created a simple, professional website that could hold a lot of information on a page without being saturated. The professional imagery was used throughout the website, as well as blue tinted colours combined with white, black and grey to present a good contrast in colours that would appeal to not only professional visitors, but consumers as well.

Visit Hala's website at


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